How much does coParenter cost?

It is $12.99 a month or $119.99 a year. Both of these include unlimited access to our coaches/Mediators.

coParenter costs either $12.99 a month or $119.99 a year. Both of these include unlimited access to our coaches/mediators via the Mediation Tab for on-demand coaching, help resolving a dispute between you and your coParent, and even assistance drafting a Parenting Plan. We also want to give you an opportunity to try it before you buy so we are offering a free 30-day trial (this only includes 2 Mediation sessions). More info on the pricing plans can be found here.

However, at the end of day coParenter saves you and your coParenter money by helping you resolve conflict with an on-demand mediator, instead of hiring attorneys and taking those issues to court. The average attorney costs $250 an hour and the average divorce costs $30,000.