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Divorce & Moving On: Closing the Chapter

Moving into a new relationship should take time and discernment, especially with children involved. How exactly do you do that? Read on.
(5 min 9 sec read)

Ali Wilks
A certified stepfamily and couples relationship coach, Mom, Stepmom, and creator of The Successful Stepcouple Retreat.

My area of expertise is working with couples in stepfamilies. Divorce rates are up to 70% the second time around and increase again for the third time. Those statistics are shocking, and for me heartbreaking because of the work I do. There are many more complicating factors in second-time marriages that don’t exist in first-time marriages. The more common challenges stepfamilies experience are often intense. Alimony, child support, ex-partners (who may also be jealous and vindictive), court battles, grieving children who present with challenging behaviors and loyalty binds are never experienced by first-time families.

Those challenges are hard enough to deal with. But there is an important piece that often goes unacknowledged, and maybe even unnoticed, as having a very significant impact on how successful the step couple will be. That piece is finishing the old relationship before launching into the next one. Now, let me explain while you say to yourself “of course my previous relationship is over, why else would I be in this one?”.  I have seen it time and again in my professional and personal life. Someone is unaware of how the previous relationship eclipses the new relationship they are in because of unfinished or unresolved business and it has negative consequences on moving forward and creating happiness. 

By virtue of children being present in your relationship, there is going to be spillover from your previous relationship because you are co-parenting. Human nature is full of opportunities to dig both our head in the sand and dig our heels in the dirt. It’s one thing to bring baggage into a relationship, it’s another thing to pretend we don’t have any baggage at all. Denial is a safety mechanism, it’s a part of the grieving process and is a necessary pit stop along the route to grief resolution. Denial should not be a permanent residence. Denying that previous relationships have no bearing on the one we are in is naive, especially for those who experience divorce or the breakdown of a serious relationship. 

Digging your heels in and refusing to check what’s left over spilling into your new relationship is setting your new relationship foundation on very unstable ground. When you meet someone who gets your heart pumping and puts the stars in your eyes, it’s hard enough to see reality. Everyone has their best foot forward in the beginning, but denial about unfinished business is dangerous. Unfinished business can be repetitive, unresolved issues or unhealthy patterns of behavior that keep tripping you up. It can mean a death sentence for the next relationship.  

How do you prevent this? Well, you must be willing to ask yourself some tough questions:  what have you done to resolve whatever was your contribution to the demise of your relationship? Yes, I asked for ‘your’ contribution. In the vast majority of relationships, it is not solely one person’s fault for the termination of a relationship. Regardless of the reason for the demise (usually it’s a complicated mix of reasons), there was a pattern of interaction, a pattern of communication, a choreography between the two of you that went from annoying, to troublesome, to destructive. It deteriorated over time. For some couples it is slow, other times, it is lightyear fast.  If you take a long hard look at your contribution you can set it up as a warning sign not to be repeated in your current relationship. For example, mistrust due to infidelity. How would mistrust play out with your new partner?

Moving into a new relationship should take time and discernment, especially with children involved. What does discernment mean and what do you have to finish before you move on? It depends upon how aware you are of your strengths and your flaws and how willing you are to take a look at patterns from not just the last relationship, but the relationships before as well.  Discernment is about giving yourself some time to grieve the loss, gaining clarity and perspective, growing, stretching and changing as a result of that loss. Yes, there were plenty of things you weren’t happy about and plenty of things that went wrong and you will have to grieve that. But you also need to grieve the loss of the good things. There were some good times, good memories and your previous partner did have good qualities- otherwise, you never would have been with them.

Retired therapist Susan Wisdom wrote the book “Stepcoupling”, a book about creating a strong step couple relationship in spite of the challenges of stepfamily life. She stated that a successful remarriage begins with a successful divorce. A successful divorce starts with grief resolution first. Asking yourself hard questions like: What have you learned about yourself as a result of the divorce or break up? What changes do you need to make to be successful in the next relationship? What is your style of communication? And how do you resolve conflict?  What do you love about yourself? Asking these questions is necessary for moving forward. Then you need to negotiate a new relationship with your ex, your kids and even former extended family. Family is different post-divorce and you need to figure out ways to work together if you are co-parenting. It’s easier to part ways when there are no children. 

If you are carrying the baggage from your previous relationships, it’s never too late to finish up the old. Especially if you are already in a new relationship. It is necessary to do as you create the space and the energy for your new relationship and as you create a foundation for relationship success. Letting go of the old energy from the previous relationships frees you up for your new relationship. Letting go first requires that there is something there from previous relationships impacting you today.  Keep asking yourself the hard questions, keep an open mind and above all else, keep an open heart. Opening up and being honest with yourself only serves to open up and be honest in your intimate relationship. It can be hard work, I won’t deny that, but the work you do on yourself is incredibly powerful and is very much worth it. I promise.

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