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Ask Dr. Jann

My daughter, age eight, has been telling me she does not want to go to her father’s house. When I told her father, he said she tells him the same thing
(1 minute 21 seconds read)

Dr. Jann Blackstone
Dr. Jann Blackstone specializes in divorce, child custody, co-parenting, and stepfamily mediation

Ask Dr. Jann

Dear Dr. Jann: My daughter, age eight, has been telling me she does not want to go to her father’s house. When I told her father, he said she tells him the same thing — but that she doesn’t want to go to my house. I don’t believe him. My daughter has always been a “Mommy’s girl” and I’m not surprised she doesn’t want to go. How do I handle this?

Dr. Jann Says:Don’t be so sure your ex is lying. The fact that your daughter tells you she doesn’t want to leave does not necessarily mean she prefers your home. It could mean she doesn’t want to leave. And, she may very well be telling her daddy the same thing — because she doesn’t want to leave him, either. Consider your daughter is torn between the two people she loves the most and when she has settled in, she doesn’t want to pack up and go to the other home.

If your child truly likes it better at one home, that’s a huge red flag that you and dad are not on the same page. Rather than let your ego be stroked because you are positive your child likes you best, it’s time for dad and you to put your heads together and figure out a way to make the transition from house to house easier on your child. That may mean changing the parenting plan or simply changing your attitude. Stand back, take a look at what you are both doing, and make the changes necessary for your daughter to be happy and well-adjusted at both homes.