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Co-parenting After a Bad Break-up

Dr. Jann Blackstone offers tips on how to communicate with your ex. Texts and emails aren’t ideal, but if necessary, here’s what you need to know.
(2 min 35 sec read)

Dr. Jann Blackstone
Dr. Jann Blackstone specializes in divorce, child custody, co-parenting, and stepfamily mediation

Dear Dr. Jann,

My ex and I can’t talk to each other. Our break-up was really nasty and someone suggested we only communicate by email or text. But his text messages are really awful which makes it difficult. What can we do?


Dr. Jann : 

When a divorced couple comes into my office telling me they can’t talk to each other, I hesitate suggesting text messages or email. Actually, email is the less of the two evils and sometimes necessary when couples think they can’t communicate, but relying on text messages is really asking for trouble. First, they are short and can sound argumentative even though they are not intended to be. Consider the question, “Where are you?” If you are in love and dating, “Where are you?” can mean, “I miss you. Please hurry.” When you are at odds, “Where are you?” can mean, “You’re late again, you ^%$#&, and I’m really sick of it,” and the fight is on. (Not the best if you are exchanging kids and they can hear or sense the animosity you have for their other parent. And, no, if it is ongoing, they will not get over it. ) Ultimtately, the best way to communicate is to talk–where someone can hear the inflections in your voice and understand your true meaning.

When communicating with an ex, it’s best keep the discussion to “about the kids” and not about the past or who did what to whom. I always suggest battling parents approach each other in a business like manner. In other words, if you were at work and you had to interact with a coworker you didn’t like, you wouldn’t openly fight with him or her because you might lose your job. You would look for ways to cooperate. You try not to push their buttons. You do your job and then go home. It’s the same premise when communicating with an ex who gets under your skin. Just talk about what is necessary–the kids. Look for ways to cooperate—for the kids. Do your job and move on.

That’s when angry divorced parents really turn up the heat. “You don’t understand,” they say. “My ex was the worst ex anyone could ever have and I never want to speak to him (or her) again.” And, there lies the key to why you can’t talk to each other. You don’t want to. You are stuck in the anger, revenge, or jealousy and can’t get past it. Meanwhile the kids are going back and forth between houses.

There are, of course, terrible stories of abuse and in those cases, its understandable that communication is stained. It is also questionable in those cases if it is in the best interest of the children to go back and forth between homes. In those instances, where the only way parents can communicate is via text and email, any communication is better than none, each co-parenting relationship is different but communication is paramount. Find a tool for your communication that works best for you, make sure you are able to keep track of your communications and keep the ‘business-friendly’ manner as much as possible. 

Try to remember this: You are now forging a new relationship as co-parents. It is not an extension of the relationship that didn’t’ work before. Because you were not good at being partners does not mean you cannot be good co-parents. You can!

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