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Training Exercise for Co-parent Self Care

Co-parents, it’s time to set up your own self-care plan! Grab your pens, colored pencils, paint, etc. Who knows? This may even work towards feeding your spirit!
(54 sec read)

Lori Denman-Underhill
Lori Denman-Underhill uses the power of the press to raise awareness about endless causes.

It’s time to set up your own self-care plan! This will be the easiest thing to blow off out of all the exercises contained in this book, but it’s really just as critical to a successful workout and recovery as every other thing you have done so far.

Grab your paper and get ready! FYI: even if you tend to be a computer-only type, I invite you to get creative on this one. Grab your pens, colored pencils, paint, etc. Who knows? This may even work towards feeding your spirit!


How will I keep my mind calm?

How will I show myself compassion?


What can I do to take care of myself?

What can I stop doing that isn’t good for me?


What can I do to nurture my spirit?

How can I develop myself?


How can I acknowledge and respect my emotions?

How can I learn from what I am feeling?


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