Making it work, Parenting Plans

Help with Creating a Toddler Co-parenting Plan

Parenting Plans are important for all ages. Toddlers experience rapid physical, emotional, and social growth. They are on the move!
(1 minute 56 seconds read)

Debra Carter
Dr. Carter is a Clinical and Forensic Psychologist, Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Law Mediator, and a Parent Coordinator.

Parenting plans are important for all ages. The toddler, age 20 to 36 months, is keeping coParents busy! Drafting up a plan makes life easier for everyone.

Toddlers experience rapid physical, emotional, and social growth. They are on the move! They are developing a sense of independence and more control over the world around them. Mastery of language and toilet training occurs during this period. The toddler has a desire to explore the world and learn how things work. As they try to understand the world, they also try to change the rules, limits, and boundaries set by the caregivers. They have discovered that new word, “no.”

Toddlers require a balance between their need for greater independence and their equally strong need for fair and consistent limits to keep them safe. They need to develop self-control and learn that trustworthy adults are caring for them. They need supervision, encouragement, and a high level of caregiver involvement. Patient, consistent, loving, supportive care is essential.

During separations, the toddler needs reminders that the important people have not disappeared, will return, and continue to love them. Nightly phone calls can be reassuring. Only when the child feels safe and secure can they begin to explore their world. If a toddler’s needs are not met, parents may notice that their child becomes anxious or irritable. The child may become clingy or excessively aggressive. Their sleep may be interrupted by bad dreams. Sometimes they will become fearful when transitions take place and begin to display behaviors they had already outgrown.

When Designing Your Parenting Plan for Your Toddler, Remember:

  •  Transitions can be difficult unless both parents have soothing styles and can meet the child’s needs for structure and reassurance.
  •  Parenting must be adjusted to meet the child’s need for success. Similar ways of handling events will provide a sense of comfort.
  •  Telephone calls at a regular hour can be a good way to “touch base” for the child and the parent. This keeps the relationship in the present.
  •  A picture of each parent in the child’s room along with the “special blanket or teddy” that travels back and forth can be reassuring.
  •  It is best that overnights be spaced throughout the week.


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