coParenting, Everyday Challenges, Getting started, Separation & Divorce

Using Technology to Help with Everyday coParenting

Learn exactly how a coParenting app can improve communication, increase transparency, save you money, and keep you out of court.
(3 minutes 7 seconds read)

Grace McSpadden
Grace McSpadden is a novelist and film producer living in Los Angeles.

Using Technology to Help with Everyday coParenting

Divorce and the conflict that can come with coParenting can take a serious toll on your mental, emotional, and financial health! It’s not easy starting a new life as a coParent. Changes in your living arrangement, financial situation, and relationship status are compounded by the fact that you have little people to raise. ALL of this can negatively impact your self-esteem, confidence, and your ability to successfully parent your kiddos. This is exactly why we created coParenter. Because even the best coParents need a little help from professionals at times.

Not only can coParenter help you by improving your communication skills and keeping you organized but coParenter offers on-demand professionals who can help you through even the most difficult situations? Let’s explore some of the many ways the coParenter app can help you.

You Were There When You Said You’d Be 

Instead of keeping greasy time and date-stamped receipts from a coffee shop or fast food restaurant to prove you’re on time, simply “CheckIn” on coParenter to notify your coParent that you’ve arrived. Our CheckIn is an accurate, non-editable, and documented way to stay on top of your exchanges! The only time your coParent will know your location is when you specifically share your pin drop from the app at your dedicated exchange spot, at no other times will they be able to see where you are.

You Followed Through 

Our secure messaging feature is the perfect place to communicate about child-related expenses, responsibilities, and issues. These messages can’t be edited or deleted and they’re easily accessible to print out and present to a judge or mediator if needed. Our language filters will help keep you (and your coParent) on your best behavior! And that means a LOT if you do end up in court. After all, the only thing the judges we know appreciate more than simple, verifiable evidence is when parents communicate respectfully.

You Did Your Best

The very purpose of our app is to help coParents be the best parents they can be. By using it, you’re demonstrating your commitment to doing just that. You’ll be able to prove you sent the messages, made it to the pickup points on time, attempted to create a Parenting Plan, and even worked with our professionals to resolve differences with your coParent. Most judges like to see that parents put forth their best efforts at working through conflict on their own. Not only that but the coParenter app will keep you organized with calendars full of your children’s appointments, recitals, school events, and games. You can choose to share this with your coParent so they can have it in their calendar as well.

You Reached out for Help

With coParenter, you have coParenting professionals available to you in the palm of your hand. They’re ready and able to help you work through some of your most challenging coParenting situations. By using the Get Help feature, you’ll be able to mediate disagreements, get one on one help, create parenting plans and making changes to your parenting plans all without having to step foot in a courtroom! And if inevitably you do end up in court, proving that you tried “in good faith” to work out your issues BEFORE returning to court can go a long way with a lot of judges.


coParenter can help you document responsibilities, communications, child exchanges, and your attempts to be the best coParent you can be! We designed coParenter to help parents put their children first and avoid going to court over everyday coParenting issues, we’ll help you stay organized and be more present in your child’s life.

For more coParenting blogs and tools to help you with your coParenting journey, CLICK HERE and download our FREE coParenting app.