Entertainment, Making it work

SMILF Tackles The Ups and Downs of coParenting

If you haven’t heard of writer, producer, occasional director and leading lady Frankie Shaw, you should get to know her. She’s a coParenting heroine to root for
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SMILF Tackles The Ups and Downs of coParenting

If you haven’t heard of writer, producer, occasional director, and leading lady Frankie Shaw, you should get to know her. She is a coParenting heroine to root for.

Shawplays single mom Bridgette Bird in Showtime’s original hit series “SMILF.” In the show’s first episode, Bridgette is seen helping her ex Raffi tuck their son Larry into bed in an apartment the estranged lovers once shared. Raffi, (played by “The Strain’s” Miguel Gomez), who struggles with his sobriety, pops over most nights to help put Larry to sleep, all while enjoying open and honest chit chat with his ex. He even encourages her to “get out more,” referring to Bridgette’s non-existent dating life.

The pair are coParenting rockstars in “SMILF,” weathering the pitfalls and victories of parenting a child together long after a romance as ended. Together, the two navigate everything from new relationships, Larry’s vaccinations, to disagreements about religious preferences. Raffi, who is clearly an invested dad, is available at a moments notice to watch his son and participate in his care.

Raffi’s new girlfriend Nelson Rose, played by Australian actress Samara Weaving, settles into a solid coParenting roll as pseudo-stepmom. Nelson and Bridgette’s relationship is slightly strained at first but evolves from mildly contentious to downright friendly. The two graduate from teasing Raffi about his lack of confidence to participating in a mud run together. coParenting goals for sure.

In “SMILF,” Bridgette struggles with poverty, single motherhood, and her career as she tries to make it as an actress, all while pursuing her childhood dream of playing in the WNBA.

With strong writing, a humorous approach to serious issues like coParenting and even sexual assault and abuse, “SMILF” is a show about single motherhood and coParenting that’s one to watch.