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Jumpstart coParenting Skills for Spring

Spring is almost upon us and it lends itself to good advice in coParenting skills – sharpen your goal directed theoretical arrows and plan to construct targets before the season begins. A positive project is a perfect family unification activity. And any faith or culture can adapt this idea – it’s all about diversity and family […]

Lori Denman-Underhill
Lori Denman-Underhill uses the power of the press to raise awareness about endless causes.

Spring is almost upon us and it lends itself to good advice in coParenting skills – sharpen your goal directed theoretical arrows and plan to construct targets before the season begins.

A positive project is a perfect family unification activity. And any faith or culture can adapt this idea – it’s all about diversity and family values! This is the new “Spring Cleaning” substitute.

What are your target goals for Spring as a family, for yourselves as parents in your interaction with your children, for a working member of a community?

As parents, you’ll need some construction paper, markers, scissors and a protractor to make three concentric circles and a bulls-eye in the center. Your most significant goal, the most difficult to achieve, is written in the B.E. (Bull’s Eye).

Write your goals in the circles. Your children also will need three targets: personal goals, family goals and communal goals. Communal goals such as performing good deeds and charity such as: beach clean up, pet care and rescue, bringing joy to seniors and helping the homeless must be instilled early for a child to gain a social conscience. Discuss your targets as table talk as you begin to reflect as Spring draws near; cut out the construction paper targets and hang them prominently in your kitchen as reminders.

Keep up the “target practice” – reach the goal of learning to talk without raising your parental voice, try to gain compassion, learn about child development and do not impose expectations or behaviors that are not age appropriate on your children, Think broad brush thoughts about being a member of the greater diverse community by doing helpful projects in the community, teaching our children to be less “me, me” and “I want,” less materialistic and more forthcoming with giving in their hearts – the more we give, the more we receive as positive growth steps.

This is your work as parents – don’t miss the mark! Keep your home time filled with screen free activities… remember board games and cooking projects, art exploration and playing outdoors.

Creating goals at this specific time of year is creating a personal and a family tradition. Traditions keep your children in a safe structure and program an annual examination with happy anticipation.