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Planning Your Financial Future After Divorce

The Certified Divorce Financial Advisor (CDFA) consultants traditionally work with people to plan their future post-divorce.
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Planning Your Financial Future After Divorce

The Certified Divorce Financial Advisor (CDFA) consultants traditionally work with people to plan their future post-divorce. The advantage of working with a CDFA is they take a long-range view of your financial future throughout the divorce process and beyond.

Often the financial info provided by the divorcing spouses can be unreliable, leading to issues down the road. Using a CDFA, the financial picture becomes much clearer, resulting in settlements happening faster and guiding both parties to realistic expectations. They may also be of help should any specialized fields need to be called upon. These could include:

Forensic Accountant. This expertise is necessary if perhaps you suspect your spouse of hiding money or accounts. They can analyze the financial information for accuracy and uncover inconsistencies.

Valuation Expert. If the divorcing parties own a business, it must be reviewed for its value as part of the assets of the marriage. This is where the valuation expert comes in; they examine the business and its estimated worth for division during the divorce settlement.

Real Estate Appraiser. Clearly, any real estate owned by the couple will need to be divided. An accurate estimation of value is required, and this is where the appraiser comes in.