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Let’s Hear It for the Dads – Tips To Make Father’s Day Great for the Kids

Divorces are stressful, as is coParenting with another person following a relationship breakdown. This is especially pronounced during special days when resentments towards that person can sneak in the light where our children can see. It’s easy to get lost in our turmoil and forget that honoring their father is honoring them. Here are some tips to […]

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This article has been submitted from a coParent who wishes to remain anonymous.

Divorces are stressful, as is coParenting with another person following a relationship breakdown.

This is especially pronounced during special days when resentments towards that person can sneak in the light where our children can see. It’s easy to get lost in our turmoil and forget that honoring their father is honoring them. Here are some tips to keep in mind for Father’s Day so this year can be the best yet for them and dad.

  • Help your children prepare homemade gifts and cards with personal touches with what they love about their dad. If you are having trouble coming up with what some of dad’s best attributes are, then rely on your experts. Your children can easily tell you what they like best about their dad. Pay close attention when your children tell you exciting things about their time with dad and you should get excited helping them put that into words.
  • Pay compliments to your children about their dad as you work on your project together. This project shows them they are safe to love whom they love while with you and their needs come first. Encourage their excitement and appreciation for dad. You want your children to grow to appreciate their family and know that they have lots of supports as they grow.
  • Share positive stories this month, and always, with your children about their dad that they would enjoy hearing from when the family was intact. You want them to understand from your story telling that their history has great things in it, and allows them to be proud of themselves because they have such great parents.
  • If you happen to be in a disagreement with dad about something let him know that you can come back to it later, and you won’t talk about it around Father’s Day. If the topic is not something you will be angry about in ten years then it probably could use a break right now anyway.  Father’s Day trumps all else for your children.
  • Make an effort to allow children to see their father on Father’s Day. If they can’t be physically there, ensure them that you’ve allowed them to get gifts to dad before then and they can video call or talk on the phone with him as he opens the gifts. Allow the communication to be as long as they are comfortable with, as it shouldn’t be limited.
  • If there is a physical exchange on Father’s Day, greet him with a “Happy Father’s Day” and a smile. If you drop your children off from the driveway, smile and wave from the car as a greeting.
  • Treat dad the way you want your children to be treated. He is an integral part of your children. When you treat him well, you treat them well. Remember that fatherhood is forever and the stronger the bond between children and both parents, the better success they have in life.