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I Hate You… I’m Going To Live With Dad!

Divorce empowers our kids to use the “I’m going to live with dad/mom” card when the going gets tough. Learn tips to better manage this coParenting challenge.
( 0 minutes 24 seconds read)

Heather Feldstein
Is a proud mom of two amazing kids and is a freelance writer and ghostwriter. Heather’s blogs and articles about co-parenting and not only surviving through but thriving after divorce have been featured in papers and online magazine publications including the Huffington Post.

I Hate You… I’m Going To Live With Dad!

Ah, yes, words that no parent likes to hear, especially a divorced parent.  If you’re divorced and you have kids, you’re likely going to hear this (or obviously, “I’m going to live with Mom”) a few times in your life.  So, how can we best handle this heated situation without making matters worse?  Alyson Schafer, Canadian parenting expert gives us some great tips in this article which appeared in Huffington Post.