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How to Prepare for Divorce in 2017

How does one prepare for divorce for 2017? Certified Divorce Financial Analyst Shawn Leamon, MBA, advises us with a list of tips, that are also great reminders for us coParents. Be certain you want a divorce. Accept that the divorce is happening. Do your research and get organized. Treat divorce as a business transaction where […]

Shawn Leamon
MBA, CDFA is the host of the “Divorce and Your Money Show” and Managing Partner of LaGrende Global, with offices in Dallas, New York, and Hanover, New Hampshire.

How does one prepare for divorce for 2017? Certified Divorce Financial Analyst Shawn Leamon, MBA, advises us with a list of tips, that are also great reminders for us coParents.

  1. Be certain you want a divorce.
  2. Accept that the divorce is happening.
  3. Do your research and get organized.
  4. Treat divorce as a business transaction where you are the CEO.
  5. Build a team of professionals to help you.
  6. Lean on friends and support groups.
  7. Keep healthy and fit.
  8. Take care of the children.
  9. Protect your money.
  10. Set realistic goals for the future.
  11. Act civil with your spouse.
  12. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
  13. Know you will make it.

To view a thorough explanation of each of these tips with further advice, click on this page on Leamon’s site,