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Healing Child’s Trauma With Love

When given a safe and supportive environment in which a child’s needs are met physically and emotionally, childhood trauma can be healed with time.
(1 minute 20 seconds read)

Tangee Veloso
Tangee Veloso, Founder and Executive Director of Family Love Village (FLV), is an eco-mamapreneur, coParenting life coach, and author.

Healing Child’s Trauma With Love

A key element when it comes to childhood trauma is that when given a safe and supportive environment in which a child’s needs are met physically and emotionally, the trauma can be healed with time.

As long as there is a strong sense of connection being established between the child and an adult, the light at the end of the tunnel towards recovery can be reached. While the child is in that heightened state, they are in their lower brain. This part of the brain is all about survival. There is no logic or reason. You must help guide your child back to their higher brain through connection, before you can talk reason and logic.

We, as parents, can become more aware of the various ways that trauma can surface and learn how we can become more supportive in helping our children move through the stress. In order for us to help our youth, repair early childhood damage and build more harmony and cooperation within our children, we must become more aware of our choices, as well as utilize a deep sense of understanding and empathy.

And probably one of the most important things to remember in healing from trauma is that you can choose to move beyond the experience without becoming a victim of it; meaning it is something you move through and the experience does not have to define you.

In retrospect, if we are to lead the path for our children, one that imprints a conscious, loving, and compassionate livelihood for their upbringing, we must also know what is and isn’t working in order to evolve.