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Divorce and The Path to Acceptance

There’s no “right way” or “wrong way” to grieve and adjust to divorce, but we can tell you that it is a process that involves layers of emotions.
(3 minutes 25 seconds read)

Karen Bonnell
Karen is a coach that has over 25 years of experience working with individuals, couples, and families facing transition, loss, stress, and change.

Divorce and The Path to Acceptance

We can’t tell you there’s a “right way” or a “wrong way” to grieve and adjust to divorce and separation, but we can tell you that it is a process that involves layers of emotions.

We can also tell you, that by understanding what you’re going through, by digging down deep to find your grit in the face of adversity, by moving toward self-care and acceptance, you can shorten the length of time and impact that divorce has on you and your children. Let’s take a look at what might be involved in grieving.

1. Shock and Disbelief

For some, the first wave of emotion can actually be “an absence of emotion”. This is the period of time when you “don’t miss a beat” and carry on with daily life and simply add in the details of divorce/separation or divorce/separation adjustment and looming coParenting. You may wonder to yourself, “why is this so hard for other people?”

2. Cooperation or Bargaining

Next, we sometimes see a period of “congeniality” and a “cooperative spirit” surrounding the divorce/separation. When this is born of a genuine, mutual agreement regarding the ending of the relationship, and a true desire to make things as amicable as possible, then the two adults and their children are extremely lucky and can benefit greatly. All too often, however, this “honeymoon” period is a desperate, hopeful time of bargaining in a sincere attempt to reverse the outcome—a plea to the spouse who is leaving to change his/her mind, to “wake-up,” to come back home, and resume life as a couple.

3. Anger and Rage

Anger and rage are common in divorce/separation and can continue well into post-divorce/separation and during the adjustment to coParenting. So much change, so much loss, and often a feeling of helplessness to stop what’s out of your control. It’s a very normal reaction to struggle and fight against these unwelcome truths. Along with anger—and often underneath anger—we find sadness and grief.

4. Sadness

Sadness may feel slower and deeper than anger and it has an energy all on its own. Unlike the energizing emotion of anger, which comes with an adrenaline rush, sadness lays heavy on our hearts, drains the energy out through our toes and color out of the day, and replaces our normal sense of self with feelings of vulnerability, loneliness, and loss. Then there are the tears, difficulty concentrating, anxiety about the future, and sleeping more than normal, which makes day-to-day activities increasingly difficult to accomplish. You may feel like a shell of a person, going through the motions.

5. The Journey

Remember that grief is a journey that doesn’t last forever, and you don’t have to travel alone. divorce, separation, and coParenting can be like traversing a glacier of emotions. It’s easier to bring along necessary support (a trusted friend, counselor, post-divorce/separation support group) and allow ample time to work through emotion. Most consider the first two years post-divorce/separation the most significant in adjusting and the first five years part of the adjustment territory. We caution you about lingering too long in a crevasse of anger, fear, or sadness. You can ask for help and lean on others when you find yourself stuck recycling the past or if you can become unyielding to a new, more hopeful path.

6. Acceptance

At the end of your journey awaits acceptance. We discussed above the layers of emotions that you may wander through and visit again from time to time during your grief process. We can remind you that what awaits on the other side of all these difficult emotions is the view of your future through the lens of acceptance, which is well worth the arduous journey. There is no straight path or “right path,” but we hope you can reach that new place of acceptance and forgiveness.

Editor’s Note: This piece has been taken from Karen Bonnell’s book, THE CO-PARENTS’ HANDBOOK   For more information on Karen or her books, you’re invited to visit

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