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coParents’ Two-Home Planning Made Easy

coParents have found an easy way to plan, and that is utilizing an online family calendar.
(1 minute 12 seconds read)

Karen Bonnell
Karen is a coach that has over 25 years of experience working with individuals, couples, and families facing transition, loss, stress, and change.

coParents’ Two-Home Planning Made Easy

coParents have found an easy way to plan, and that is utilizing an online family calendar.

Online family calendars help parents share kids’ complicated schedules between two homes. Parents’ independent access to child-centered information, ease in coordinating schedules and, when age-appropriate, the kids’ window into the shared two-home-family schedule, start the list of benefits to having a shared calendar.

In the case of families where conflict may be an ongoing issue, calendars reduce contact between parents while communicating in a neutral third party way a shared view of the residential schedule, appointments, and special dates. The shared view helps minimize the misunderstandings that are often generated by each parent keeping a separate calendar. Calendar options range from a simple monthly schedule, others with additional tools like tracking and storing email, bulletin boards, automatic reminders, and filters for content.

The key to relationship is knowing yourself — and respecting the other. Forcing yourself to do something you’re not ready to do can be emotionally damaging. Forcing your perspective or beliefs on another person can be relationally damaging. Finding your way with your coParent is the gift you give your children. They don’t need you to be best friends, but they clearly benefit from having you both stress-free and wholeheartedly at their events.

We suggest downloading the app by coParenter, in order to schedule with ease with your ex. You can find that by clicking here on our site.