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coParenting Tips by Actress Mayim Bialik

We love this very open and honest YouTube video posted by actress and coParent, Mayim Bialik.
(1 minute 7 seconds read)

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coParenting Tips by Actress Mayim Bialik

We love this very open and honest YouTube video posted by actress and coParent, Mayim Bialik.

Bialik, a star on the show, Big Bang Theory, opens up in this video by discussing her journey through divorce and now as a coParent. She focuses on what matters – the children – and putting aside negative feelings and actions in order to make them happy.

She has been a coParent for three years for her two children.

She wrote a caption for the YouTube video, called “Divorce.” The caption reads, “My next vlog is up!! It’s about how I handle being divorced and how I frame it so it works as best as it can for me, for my ex, for my kids. This one’s kind of tender and touching and I hope you like it.”

Bialik feels experienced as a coParent, as she explains she has done it for three years with her ex. She posted this video now, as she said she thinks her story will help others coParenting.

Bialik offers tips to coParents under the subject: “What does it mean to create the healthiest possible environment for children in the context of a divorce?”

First off, Bialik said, “We do things together.” She then continues to offer additional suggestions on coParents making their children happy and healthy. Enjoy!