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coParenting – Helping Others to Help Yourself

Following a divorce with three children, coParent Kate Chapman searched high and low for assistance within the world of single parenting.
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coParenting – Helping Others to Help Yourself

More often than not, professionals find themselves interested in their areas of specialty following a personal life experience. For Kate Chapman, her calling in life had everything to do with coParenting.

Following a divorce with three children, Chapman searched high and low for assistance within the world of single parenting. There was an endless amount of helpful information for new parents and how to raise an infant, but nothing for new coParents. She already held degrees in Psychology and Sociology and was advising top executives on how to navigate change. She decided to branch out to not only help other newly divorced coParents, but also herself.

“I looked around for resources and found absolutely nothing,” Chapman explained. “When you are building a family in a traditional way, you are bowled over by the number of resources. But first as a newly divorced single parent and again as parent in a blended family, I felt alone with no help.”

Through patience, faith and therapy, Chapman found her rhythm as a single mom. Upon hearing Kate’s frustration about the lack of assistance for coParents, her therapist suggested that Chapman write about her trials and tribulations.

“I told my therapist that it wasn’t a big deal and it was just ‘basic change stuff’ I was writing about,” Chapman admitted. “My therapist said, ‘yes, but people don’t know about basic change stuff.” She knew it was needed. She started to build her own network of newly divorced single parents. “I created my blog last September and it quickly grew a following of thousands, both online and on the Facebook page, just by word of mouth.”

Following thorough research, Chapman founded the site, and the FB page, “This Life in Progress: Divorced Parent & Blended Family Support.”

Chapman now shares her educational knowledge and also her experience as a coParent of a blended family. Her stories and advice are a perfect fit for single, divorced, step-parents and coParents alike. They are heartfelt, informative and at some points (since we need it) – entertaining – as we join her on her journey as she coParents three children with her ex, and is now re-married to a man with three children. So, yes, that makes a happy six under one roof! The children are ages 16, 14, 13, 12, 9 and 8. In other words, her blogs are not sugar coated and unrealistic. It’s a dose of reality that coParents can relate to. Extensive knowledge that we are happy to soak in.

While Chapman writes about subjects she personally experiences, she also receives endless questions from coParents. She decided to combine her extensive research, her education and her coaching background into a course coParents can take to reduce the conflict in their post-divorce lives and claim their peace.

“I developed a comprehensive coParenting curriculum,” Chapman explained. “It is called Total Coparenting Transformation and is an 11 module, multiple hour course coParents can purchase and complete at their own pace in the privacy of their home. It focuses on shifting thinking and behaviors in support of a positive coParenting relationship. It’s designed for one parent, because my research shows each coParent must begin the transition on his or her own, before beginning to work as a team. It’s based on my research and experience as a professional coach and has been positively reviewed by professional counselors. The course includes lectures, a workbook, and a journal to reinforce learning.”