Blended Families, Children, Everyday Challenges, General Parenting, Making it work, Tips & Lists

Help! I’m Allowing My Family to Babysit… But I’m Worried!

Learn how to negotiate behaviors with your family and your coParents family when childcare is needed. Make parenting boundaries while maintaining your cool.
(3 minutes 12 seconds read)

Breegan Jane
Along with being an LA Mom and lifestyle blogger, she is co-creator and co-host of Dash Radio show and podcast Mom Life Yo.

Help! I’m Allowing My Family to Babysit… But I’m Worried!

For many of us, everything changed the moment we found out we were going to become parents. It’s unexplainable. All I can say is something shifted within me, almost as if I had no control over it. To say I felt “maternal” doesn’t feel strong enough. This felt…intergalactic. Sound dramatic? It felt dramatic!

The weight of parenthood hit me, and all of a sudden it wasn’t just about having cute little chubby-faced babies. I was responsible for feeding them the right nutrients, strapping them in the car seat correctly, and knowing the difference in their cries in the middle of the night. Heck, I was charged with keeping them alive! That’s enough to make anyone’s head spin. Of course, this is something that we all eventually get used to, and it begins to feel as natural as breathing. I don’t think the magnitude of the situation ever decreases, though.

Sometimes you have to rely on trusted family members to care for your child for limited (or longer) amounts of time. Maybe you have to go to work, or perhaps you have plans for a dinner date. Anything can arise that may require a child-free moment. If you’re lucky enough, you probably have an available support system in place.

For many moms, the idea that no one can take care of your child the way you can have driven wedges between family members. Most of the problem is completely understandable. You carried this child for nine months, and now your prerogative is to raise them the way you please. That doesn’t sound like too much to ask, right?

Well, here’s the truth: when you drop your kid off at their grandmother’s house, rules often vary greatly from those of your own. The kids may get to stay up later than you’d prefer. They may also get to do back flips off of the bed without consequences. For many moms, this leads to frustration and words said out of anger aimed at unsuspecting grandmas. I’ve found better ways to handle it, though.

Remember the Love

You might find it helpful to remember two things. First… If you’re dealing with a grandmother, aunt or other guardian figures, remind yourself that they raised you or maybe another family member you’re close to. They’ve done this before, successfully, and they know what they’re doing now. Second, they love your child. Immeasurably. They would never want to see your child hurt. Their ways may be different, but the intention is pure. Get in the habit of repeating it to yourself: ‘they raised me, they’ve done this before.’ *deep breath*

Be Careful With Blame

It’s hard to resist blaming your mom or other family caregivers for the things that your kids are “allowed” to do at their home, and I get it. Nobody wants to be the bad guy when the kids are in play heaven doing crazy things at grandma’s right before they bring those crazy behaviors home and get in trouble for them. My take on this might surprise you. I don’t blame my mother or anyone else for it. Instead, I have realized that my children are incredibly smart. They have figured out what they can get away with, and they sometimes use that knowledge to their advantage. I have switched my thinking to include that awareness; now my expectation rests more so on my children than the “fun grandma” watching them. I say things like, “I know you jump on the couch at Nana’s, that’s fine. At home, we don’t do that. Have a seat.” They understand the parameters, and we’re all happy. Consider taking that approach, and I’m willing to bet your stress levels will decrease.

Know Your Non-negotiable Necessities

This one is the most important. In my experience, grandmothers, aunts and other babysitters are sometimes woeful to accept everything you request, simply because the list is a mile long. It’s overwhelming and leaves no room for basic adult decision-making. Decide on the three most important issues to you, and make it clear that they are not up for debate. Go into the agreement saying, “It’s fine if the kids eat this for dinner, or that they choose their own clothes when you go out, but I’d really like it if you would make sure these three things happened.”

Leaving your baby with anyone else is always hard. Even the ones you love and trust might not do things exactly as you do, but it’s important to remember that if your children are safe, loved and happy, they’re in good hands.

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