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coParent Planning Guide

This information will help guide coParents through the planning process. This checklist for coParent planning is advised for use three times a year.
(0 minutes 54 seconds read time)

Karen Bonnell
Karen is a coach that has over 25 years of experience working with individuals, couples, and families facing transition, loss, stress, and change.

This information will help guide coParents through the planning process. This checklist for coParent planning is advised for use three times a year.

School Schedule/Summer Schedule 

  • Planning for vacations, non-school days, holidays, camps, etc.
  • Parent/teacher conference dates
  • Before/after school care
  • Extracurricular activities (including sports, arts, groups, etc.)
  • Bedtime—ensuring adequate rest
  • Other 

Academic Concerns

  • Tutoring, testing/evaluations, or consults with educational specialists
  • Homework issues
  • Special projects for this grade level that needs parental management
  • Electives: addressing choices and managing equipment like music instruments, etc.
  • Other

Social Development

  • Discuss peer relationships and exchange contact information as needed
  • Anticipate developmental steps like starting to date
  • Any behaviors at either home that are of concern
  • Celebrate how wonderfully your child is growing
  • Other

Physical Development

  • Plan for primary care and dental care appointments
  • Other health care related issues
  • Illness concerns/management
  • Self-care progression (diet, exercise, hygiene, etc.)
  • Other 

Emotional Development

  • Self-esteem/self-confidence progression
  • Any mental health/anxiety-related concerns
  • Behavior management concerns (angry outbursts?)
  • Other 

Household Changes

  • Changes in routines
  • Anticipating a move
  • Adding new family members (new pet, roommate, partnership)
  • Extended family news that impacts children
  • Other