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coParent Divorce Therapy

Divorce, especially for a parent, is an emotional and stressful time in your life. Having the support you need may come in the form of a therapist or counselor.
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coParent Divorce Therapy

It goes without saying that divorce, especially for a parent, is an emotional and stressful time in your life. Having the support you need may come in the form of a therapist or counselor.

The issues you are facing may have deep roots that need to be addressed along the way as they come up. Be sure you fully understand any insurance coverage for therapy that you plan to be using to handle the costs of sessions.


The Divorce Strategist or Coach can be a bridge between the pre-divorce stage and the post-divorce stage. Their expertise lies in getting you ready—legally and emotionally—for the process, being there with you emotionally throughout, being your “thinking partner,” and launching you into your post-divorce world with confidence, hope, and dignity. Not a legal advisor or a therapist, but that objective voice that keeps you on an even keel as you ride the wild divorce roller coaster. They will often work together with the other members of your divorce team to ensure the best outcome for you.