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Children’s Story Time for coParents: “I Have a Stepdad”

Children’s books author Colleen LeMaire writes stories for children of divorce. coParents read the books to their children. to help them understand what happens when Mom and Dad divorce. This story is about having a stepdad. I Have a Stepdad Once upon a time, my Mommy met a handsome man. She fell in love with him, and he […]

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Children’s books author Colleen LeMaire writes stories for children of divorce. coParents read the books to their children. to help them understand what happens when Mom and Dad divorce. This story is about having a stepdad.

I Have a Stepdad

Once upon a time, my Mommy met a handsome man. She fell in love with him, and he fell in love with her.

One magical day, he asked my Mom to marry him. She said yes! And they asked me to be the flower girl in the wedding! It was a wonderful wedding, and he is now my Stepdad. He lives here with my Mom, and when I am here, I get to spend time with him.

His heart is so big, he loves me and my mom to the moon and back! It makes me happy to see my Mom happy. She’s the best Mom ever, and deserves a heart full of true love! My Stepdad helps my Mom take care of me. He helps me with my homework, and high-fives me when I get the answer right! He plays baseball in the backyard with me, and shows me how to be a team player.

My Stepdad loves to watch me learn. He taught me how to tie my shoes, and he helps me walk the dogs every day! Sometimes we disagree with each other, and every now and then that makes us mad! But we always forgive. We start and end each day with a smile and a kiss!

My Stepdad hugs me when I get scared. He is always there to protect me, and he picks me up if I fall down. My Stepdad made our family complete. He loves me and my Mom so much, and we love him too! He’s a great parent to me, and never forgets to be my friend, too. Sometimes we have special playdates together, and my Stepdad and I do something extra fun, just me and him!

Sometimes, he gives me and my Mom special alone time, too. I miss my Mom when I am not here, and my Stepdad gives me and her special time to be silly together. And other times, we do things as one big happy family. My favorite is playing hide and seek!

I’m a pretty lucky girl to have a Stepdad as great as mine. He will always love me, always help take care of me, and always be my friend. Pinky Promise.