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Children Benefit from Nurturing coParents

A safe, stable and nurturing environment sounds like a great goal to achieve for our kids.
(1 minute 6 seconds read)

Lori Denman-Underhill
Lori Denman-Underhill uses the power of the press to raise awareness about endless causes.

Children Benefit from Nurturing coParents

A safe, stable and nurturing environment sounds like a  great goal to achieve for our kids.

The CDC has a lot to say about helping your child steer clear of a ACE, or Adverse Childhood Experience – by creating an environment of love and understanding.

Safe, nurturing relationships are:

Safety is when the child feels no fear and feels as if they will not experience psychological or physical harm. This goes for all settings they venture into including physical, social or work places.

Stability is a reliable consistency in their environments and relationships.

Nurturing is the degree to which the coParents and children spend time with those who can meet their needs with sensitivity and consistency.

Child maltreatment is a main cause of ACEs and is preventable. For children under the age of 18 with coParents, there is one goal in mind. To stop the abuse and neglect before it starts. On the CDC site, it is stated that an estimated 679,000 children were victims of maltreatment in 2013 and that in that same year, over 1,400 kids between birth to age 17 passed away from neglect or abuse.

Child maltreatment from one generation to the next can be stopped by creating that safe, stable and nurturing environment.

We all want our children to reach their full potential.