coParenting, Dealing With Conflict, Getting started, Parenting Plans, Tips & Lists

Child Custody & Parenting Plans

There are a variety of joint custody plans. The goal is for coParents is to work together to create the best parenting plan for their children.
(1 minute 20 seconds read)

Dr. Alice Berkowitz
Dr. Alice R. Berkowitz has been in practice as a Clinical and Forensic Psychologist since 1986.

Child Custody & Parenting Plans

There are a variety of joint custody plans. The goal is for coParents is to work together to create the best parenting plan for their children that will ensure their comfortability and stability.

There are many different plans that can vary from when the father has children every other weekend and one night during the week to the one week on/one week off with each parent. It is critical that whatever custody plan you and your ex-partner decide on, that it is in the best interest of your children, remembering that quality time means actually spending your time with the children.

Generally, it is important to have the children on a more stable schedule where they are not jumping from one house to the other every other day. So in cases of 50/50 custody plans such as 2-3-3-2, 4-3-3-4 or, for children who can tolerate it and are at least ten years of age, the one week mother/ one week father plan could work better to help children feel more comfortable and settled.

Some children enjoy and deal well the one week on/ one week off parenting schedule, but others have a very hard time with it. If you cannot come to an agreement or are unsure, it is important to get professional help from a custody evaluator, therapist, or psychotherapist that specifically deal with custody and visitation issues. Remember to put your kids’ needs first and figure out what works best for your unique coParenting situation.

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