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[PDF] Back-to-School Checklist for Co-parents

With only weeks left in the summer, as a co-parent, you may be feeling the pressure to get on top of the fall schedule, download this worksheet to help!
(1 min 20 sec read)

This may be daunting. With only weeks left in the summer, as a co-parent, you may be feeling the pressure to get on top of the fall schedule, the logistics, and the overall family plan so your kids are prepped for success when they hear that first school bell ring. An important part of this is stepping through the logistics, expectations, and agreements between co-parents.

Having a checklist in place pushes both of you to spell out what those assumptions and expectations are. Even if your co-parent doesn’t agree or has different expectations this checklist should highlight any assumptions sooner rather than later. Get through it now proactively on paper, so you are not dealing reactively this fall.

Keep in mind in the coParenter app you can program agreed changes into your shared calendar, request compensation for shared expenses for all those activities, upload current files and information under ‘Documents’ and if you have questions or any issues arise, you can click ‘GetHelp’ to speak with a mediator to help you come to an agreement and document that agreement. 

We suggest using this as a general worksheet to hash through what’s in store for the fall and winter season. Once you have flushed out all the moving parts you can transfer it into the app or simply use the app to make individual requests per kid and per activity. Think ahead to help avoid conflict. Even if you decide to pay for an activity be aware you are adding a trackable or recurring responsibility (for kid and co-parent) that you will need to work into the overall schedule.

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