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Ask Dr. Jann – Parenting Plan’s Scheduled Time

One of the primary rules of good ex-etiquette is to respect for the other parent—and your child’s scheduled time with them.
(1 minute 52 seconds read)

Dr. Jann Blackstone
Dr. Jann Blackstone specializes in divorce, child custody, co-parenting, and stepfamily mediation

Ask Dr. Jann – Parenting Plan’s Scheduled Time

Dear Dr. Jann: My ex and I coParent quite well and I often let him take our son at times I’m scheduled to be with him because, quite frankly, on paper I have more time and I try to be fair. But, last week he asked to take our son for New Years Day — and he’s scheduled to be with me. I don’t want to trade—but I feel bad. What’s good ex-etiquette?

Dr. Jann: There’s no reason to feel bad—if you have plans scheduled with your child on a day that you are scheduled to be with him, it’s perfectly fine to say no if asked to switch, particularly on a special occasion. And, in his defense, it’s not bad ex-etiquette that he asked, but it’s bad ex-etiquette if he gives you a hard time when you say no. It would be another story if you said no all the time, but that’s not what you are telling me. You implied that you try to work with him. That means you’re doing exactly what your supposed to do.

One of the primary rules of good ex-etiquette is to respect for the other parent—and your child’s scheduled time with them. (Ex-etiquette for Parents rule #9). Holidays are a big deal. They are filled with all sorts of emotions and family traditions. Unless there’s an event that can’t be reschedule, like a family reunion or a wedding, etc. asking to switch a major holiday is out of order. If that’s something you have to do, it’s best to ask as far in advance as possible.

He would have known in plenty of time if this New Year’s was set for a special occasion. Therefore, it goes without saying that a week before the day may not be enough time to switch things around. Don’t be afraid to tell him the truth, “Be honest and straight forward,” Ex-etiquette for Parents rule #8,” and always try to offer alternatives–“Can’t do it this year, we have plans, but if you would like him to spend next New Year’s Day with him, let me know.”

Flexibility is a key element to good coParenting—and good ex-etiquette. Happy holidays.