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A coParent’s Perspective – Love for All

Here at coParenter and, we enjoy reading stories by coParents that show an abundance of love.
(2 minutes 17 seconds read time)

Lori Denman-Underhill
Lori Denman-Underhill uses the power of the press to raise awareness about endless causes.

Here at coParenter and, we enjoy reading stories by coParents that show an abundance of love. These coParents really teach what they preach by making their world child-centric.

This article is written by blog writer Jessica Bryan Guth. Her work is found upon her site,


I am one lucky mother.

I have two amazing kids, who have different dads. I am no longer with either of their dads, but we all parent together, happily. My daughter’s dad is remarried and they have a son of their own. I have heard and read horror stories of parents unable to coParent with each other or with new spouses or girl/boyfriends. With a few exceptions, I really don’t think it has to be that hard. Whether you like the other parent or not, it’s not about you… it’s strictly about the kids.

If you ask any parent, they will likely say they would do anything for their children. If that’s the case, then we need to put aside our differences and our dislike for the other parent, or step-parent, in an effort to raise healthy, happy kids, together. Successful coParenting can have a huge positive impact on a child’s life.

coParenting may not be smooth-sailing from the get-go. But, over time as you put the pettiness aside, for the sake of your children, it will get better and easier. My kids’ dads and I get along very well and it’s not by luck. We all understand the main goal of raising our kids the best we can, together. I cherish this outlook we have on this topic, and I’m very grateful that their dads are willing to do whatever it takes in raising these healthy, happy little people.

Not everyone is going to have the same parenting style. But, knowing each parent is doing their best and being supportive of each other on this journey is a sure way to be successful with coParenting. Maybe I’m one of the lucky ones that actually loves my daughter’s step-mom. She is a wonderful, loving woman who treats and cares for my daughter like her own. Morgan absolutely adores her. I love the relationship they have and will always be a big supporter of it.

There is no magic formula for coParenting, but working together and supporting each other, for the benefit of your children, is the best possible thing you can do for them. On Halloween, we all went trick or treating together… my parents, my kids, Morgan’s dad and step-mom and little brother, and my boyfriend. If Parker’s dad didn’t have to work, he would’ve been right there with all of us too.

The more people to love my kids, the better…

 To submit your personal coParenting story of positivity and inspiration, please email